This has been a pretty ok week. The other Elders had a baptism on Saturday, an awesome 11-year old. He is super legit. They are teaching his family too, but they have some WoW problems, but hopefully they will get resolved soon. They really want to be baptized, and they come to church almost every week, so they are almost ready. The Sister's had a baptism the saturday before, and we will have one this Saturday hopefully, so our district, this year will have a baptism every Saturday of this year so far. I think that is a pretty good way to start off the year. I hope we can keep this up.

We met this old couple, and we taught them the Restoration, but the tatai, or grandpa, said he didn't believe it because after we die, wala na. Other words, nothing. It really struck me how much a hope for a better life to come, will change people down here on this earth. And this Gospel offers the best hope for us all. I was really kinda down after that lesson because we left because nothing we said or tried to teach would change their ideas. So we gave them a pamphlet about the Plan of Salvation and left. I hope we get to go back there, and teach some more.
So I guess that is my message for you this week. Think about the Plan of Salvation, which is centered in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and it will really strike you how amazing the plan is, and our potential. I hope you have a good week, all ya'll.
There is definitely something after this life! I love this scripture from Alma 30:44 "The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." <3 You're planting seeds, hopefully you will get to see them bear fruit, but if not it's okay, keep it up! :)