Hey Y'all,
Hope you guys all had a good week where ever you are. This week was fun. I tried Balut for the 1st time, and it was actually so good i had another. Balut is the 16 day old egg with the baby chick inside, and with the yolk also. It was like eating an egg, that tasted like a chicken. Wierd at first, but it was good. and my kasama said it is good for the knees.
He is giving us the oppurtuntity for Eternal Progression, if we endure to the end. I'll use track for an example. I hope to be able to improve my times someday, after my mission, but for now, i'm ok with them. But my progression from 6th grade to senior year is dramatic. But what if I stopped at my freshman times? I would have never known what it would have felt like to keep progressing. Not the best example, but I encourage you all tothink about this pricniple that I did so poorly in explaining. Eternal progression. I hope you all have a good week and until next week, Ingat
Elder Miklich
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