Monday, March 14, 2016
This has been a great week it sure went by fast. Our bikes keep on breaking, so we are going to fix them for the last time today then turn them in. Haha, That just means that we will be walking more. We've actually been walking a lot the past month pala. It does make it easier to find people when there is none bikes. what looks like only a few houses can turn into an compound, and usually someone is interested. There are a lot of people hear that say, when we are finding, "Bawal sa amin, kasi catholico kami" or ganoon. So I ask them, why is it bawal? Then they get stumped, and then say, next time na lang. It makes it hard when people don't really know what they believe, so they get defensive. We, Elder Navarro and I, usually just leave because walang Spirit. Cool story, we found this guy who spends most of his time in San Fernando, he is being taught by the other Elders in the apartment of Elder Smith! He is super cool, super ready to accept. We haven't gone back to them yet but this week we should be able teach them again sana. Also, we met this old guy a long time ago. The first or second time we taught him, we asked him what will happen after our death, he said basically, nothing, tapos na. That made me really sad, and I think i told him that too, cuz he also said that Jesus, who is God, died on the Cross. I dont think he understands the Bible quite yet but we will work with him. Anyway, I mention him because last night we taught him and his granddaughter I think, about prayer, and he was ask about how could Dios hear all of us.So he went from believing in nothing, to believing that God is real. It's a small step, but an important one. I'm finding that the best joy comes from seeing people progress in their belief about our loving father in Heaven, and helping them realize the importance of knowing about Him and His Son, Jesus Christ. This is the testimony that all of should share to everybody, that our Eternal Father in Heaven, and His Son, Jesus Christ live, and we have the opportunity to live with them again, if we are obedient and endure to the end. This is my testimony to you, that they love us, and they are real. we can make it. They know our trails better than we do. Trust them that they know what they are doing. One day, we will understand too. I hope you all have a great week.
Letter on February 29, 2016

Hey Y'all,
Another great thing happened. We had two investigators, joanna and Sunshine, two teenage girls from Suigidan Norte. i didn't think they were going to come, because we only taught them once, but we have been teaching their kapit-bahay for a few weeks. Hopefully they inspire their families to come to church, because that is the biggest challenge for people here in our area. Our purpose is to bring them closer to Christ, and there are a lot of people that are close, but there comes a kind of plateau when you've taught them all the lessons, and it's hard for them to progress. i love them all, but it is said to see them stop reading, or praying. i imagine that is how our Heavenly Father must feel when we become disobedient, or stop doing the things we aught to be doing.
Hey Y'all,
Hope you guys all had a good week where ever you are. This week was fun. I tried Balut for the 1st time, and it was actually so good i had another. Balut is the 16 day old egg with the baby chick inside, and with the yolk also. It was like eating an egg, that tasted like a chicken. Wierd at first, but it was good. and my kasama said it is good for the knees.
He is giving us the oppurtuntity for Eternal Progression, if we endure to the end. I'll use track for an example. I hope to be able to improve my times someday, after my mission, but for now, i'm ok with them. But my progression from 6th grade to senior year is dramatic. But what if I stopped at my freshman times? I would have never known what it would have felt like to keep progressing. Not the best example, but I encourage you all tothink about this pricniple that I did so poorly in explaining. Eternal progression. I hope you all have a good week and until next week, Ingat
Elder Miklich
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